| 1. | Gun fighting robot games - 4455 miniclip games 炮打机器人攻略- 4399小游戏网
| 2. | Trying to break the world record for gun fights in a week ! 想在一周内打破枪战的世界记录
| 3. | He was shot dead in a gun fight 他在一次枪战中被打死了。
| 4. | The little girl was cut down in a gun fight in downtown toronto 那个小女孩在多伦多闹区的枪战中失去生命。
| 5. | Gun fighting robot games 炮打机器人小游戏
| 6. | It contains humors , action and gun fight elements . compared to the pure drama Pudovkin亦是十分重要的电影大师兼理论家。
| 7. | Rather than serving as the climax of the film , the gun fighting sequence is actually a big letdown 除了锺欣桐和傅天颖外,实在想不到此片有什么好的地方。
| 8. | Witnesses say gunmen stopped a car , got into a gun fight with syrian guards , then blew up their car 目击者称枪手停下车,与叙利亚警卫发生枪战,随后枪手引爆了汽车。
| 9. | Witnesses say gunmen stopped a car , got into a gun fight with syrian guards , then blew up their car 目击者称持枪人拦截了一辆轿车与叙利亚警方陷入火拼,随后炸掉了他们的车。
| 10. | Witnesses say gunmen stopped a car , got into a gun fight with syrian guards , then blew up their car 目击者称,持枪歹徒停下车,投入到与叙利亚警卫的枪战中,随即引爆了他们的车子。